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<---------------------- ON FEB 22 & 23 ----------------------->


Mind Spark
…Shine your Memory
Type : Minor/ Informal /ECE
Team: Individual

About Event:

Hunt for an Eccentric person in Character and Spirit. We bring back to you the chance to crown you as the champion of mental ability


  • Registration fees applicable.
  • Pre- registration through website will help you to safeguard or hold your seat.
  • Game rules will be explained on the event spot.
  • All decisions and judgments rest with the committee of the event and Judges. All the results will be binding and we reserve the right of any decision in order to maintain sanctity of the event.
Registration Fee:contact coordinator

Date's & Venue:

Venue: TBC
Date: 22nd Feb,2013

Event Coordinator:

Santhoshi: +91 7306583735 ( Electrons) P.BHARGAVI: +91 9490054283
For any other Queries :enthusia2k13@gmail.com
Organised by
Indur Institute of
Engineering & Technology
Vill:Ponnala, Mandal:Siddipet, Dist:Medak
Website Powered by
Designed and Maintained By
Srinath Reddy From III Year CSE.
Rajinikanth B (Asst. Professor)CSE DEPT.